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Identity Management

MeldRx comes with a complete Identity and Access Management System that enables organizations to manage and control the identities and access privileges of individuals within the system. It helps ensure only authorized individuals can access resources, systems, applications, and data. Thus ensuring the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the organization's assets.


Users are specific user accounts that can log into the system. A User comes under one of these two types:


Permissions can be applied to person resources. In this case, all users that have an association with this person will also have access to the FHIR server specified in the permission. Typically, permissions to person resources are created for restricted patient access to a FHIR server, this is done through the organization invite process.


When a permission is applied to an organization, all users of that organization will also have access to the FHIR server specified in the permission. Typically, permissioins to organizations are created for organizational FHIR servers. Usually, permissions that are applied to a specific user indicate that they require a specific role that should be different from a related group. As an example, all users of an organization will contain the Write role, but it may be necessary that a few individuals in that organization require the Administrator role. In this case, separate permissions for each individual user will need to be created.