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Quick Start


create-meldrx-app is a CLI tool that can bootstrap a MeldRx application quickly and easily. This tool will ask you a few questions about what kind of app you want to build and will then generate a new MeldRx app that you can run immediately.


Before getting started, please make sure you have the following:


npm i -g create-meldrx-app

Using the Tool

npx create-meldrx-app 

You can supply additional arguments to the command to skip some of the questions.

  • --app-directory [dir] The directory where you want to create your application
  • --meldrx-app-id [clientId] The ClientId of your MeldRx application. It will be added to the .env file.
  • --workspace-url [workspaceUrl] The WorkspaceURL of your MeldRx workspace. It will be added to the .env file.
npx create-meldrx-app --app-directory [dir] --meldrx-app-id [clientId] --workspace-url [workspaceUrl]

After running the tool, you will be asked a few questions about the type of app you want to build (Backend, Patient, Clinician) and the platform you are targeting (Web, Mobile, Backend, etc.).

Once these questions have been answered, a new app will be bootstrapped for you that will connect to your MeldRx workspace.

App Templates

You can also download one of our app templates and modify it as needed.

Template: Patient Sphere (NextJs)

Template: Blank (NextJs)

Template: Blank (NuxtJs)